SW Medical Reps Online Catalog
Use your Tablet or Smart Phone to access the catalog:
There are many ways to use your smart phone or tablet in the field once you have connected your Google account to the SW Med Reps catalog. Maybe you want to quickly show your patient or customer the newest wheelchair cushion or standing frame. Being connected to the SW Med Reps gives you access to many different options that the 20 companies that we represent have to offer without having to navigate through each website. Here are some apps in your app store on your devices that will help you:
Do you use your smart phone or tablet out in the field as your main source of looking at information about equipment? Do you need quick access to brochures, funding info, order forms and dont have time to navigate each companies website to find the information? Look no further, SW Med Reps has neatly organized all this information for the nearly 20 companies that we represent. All you need is a Google account and you will be ready to better serve your clients or customers. We will keep all files up to date so you won't have to.
1. Make sure you are signed into your Google or gmail account. If you dont have a free Google account, visit https://accounts.google.com/NewAccount
2. Click here to get access to the SW Medical Reps catalog
3. Click on the folder next to the start at the top of the page and save to "My Drive"
4. You now have the complete Southwestern Medical Reps catalog shared with you in your Google account
5. When logged into your Google account, click on Drive or Documents at the top of the page to access all the SW Med Reps files.
Ipad and Iphone
- gDrive - free app that allows you to quickly navigate through the SWMR catalog. Navigate to the files you want or email directly to your customer or patient
Android Devices and Blackberry
- Google Drive - free app that allows you to quickly navigate through the SWMR catalog. Navigate to the files you want or email directly to your customer or patient